If you are wondering about the status of the driverless vehicle, there is an article by Bryan Reimer.
Aging and Driving New Tech

The Near Future Of Mobility
If you are wondering about the status of the driverless vehicle, there is an article by Bryan Reimer.
People are generally surprised that SkyMall, the catalog, is going into bankruptcy. It seems like almost every passenger flips.
Aging in Suburbia has a subtitle, “Gray Homes and Green Cars.” It is meant to be more than a.
When Baby Boomers hear “One Card,” they are likely to think “plastic,” like MasterCard, or Discovery. But, a different.
Aging Baby Boomers will remember the joys of banking…from their car. Banks had drive-through-teller service and customers could conduct.
Where Boomers live….and drive! There’s a small table in Chapter 1 of Aging in Suburbia with the dull title,.
Both paperback and Kindle versions of the book are now downloadable from Amazon. The link is: http://amazon.com/author/janegould Enjoy, read,.
Aging in suburbia is not going to be like your parent’s retirement. The American suburbs are undergoing rapid.
Aging in suburbia still seems to be about what’s inside the three car garage. If you do a search.
Imagine a population with the following characteristics: 74 percent own Smart Phones. There is no reliable bus service or.