Healthcare and transportation are moving partners. Literally. About 3.6 million Americans miss at least one medical trip each.
Hollywood Meets Autonomous Cars
Hollywood has prepped us for the autonomous car. It’s just that the message was subtle and it took a.
The Autonomous Car: Double Blessing for Boomers
The Autonomous Car will be a double blessing for Baby Boomers, the generation that is currently between ages 51.
The True Cost of Aging in Place
It is unsettling to think that aging-in-place can compromise your health. But, over the long run, it might. When.
Age-Friendly Rethinking For Mobility
Baby Boomers did not move into their parent’s houses. For the most part they shunned the cramped apartments in.
Aging in Suburbia-Anew
Baby Boomers who want to Age in Suburbia might find a new way to do so: they will be.
Housing Mismatch
Dateline Boston: Home sweet home is getting pricey at both ends of the age spectrum. “Young adults and their aging.
Driverless Car and Aging Drivers
The driverless car is a pivotal technology for those who want to age in place, particularly when that.
Baby Boom Women & Their Homes
Baby Boomer women (females currently between ages 51 and 69) take great pride.
Aging and Driving
Aging and driving will not go well for the Baby Boomers unless they are prepared to learn some new.