“Dial A Ride” is clearly an anachronism. With a Smart Phone you don’t dial- you click numbers, or just.
Boomer vs. Millennial @Home
Where would this sweet young couple, a Millennial buyer, prefer to live? According to realtors interviewed by the SF.
Headline Reversal
source: Brookings Institution/William Frey/May, 2014 Navigating through a headline! Goosing the housing recovery? A Wall St. Journal story with.
Back to the Garden
It is hard to ignore the lead real-estate stories in the Wall St. Journal (5/7/2014). The first story,.
A Bus Called “Bridg’
And finally, a local story for a change….Somewhat like the Google bus and other private shuttles that operate.
Still Shopping and Dropping
“…The amount of new retail space across the U.S. has remained relatively flat in recent years, but New.